As an athlete, you rely on your body to propel you toward success in competition and provide the energy you need to enjoy a wide variety of sports. Certain sports require more core strength, while others require more attention to endurance and durability. We can design a training program tailored to the specific movements that your sport requires. We cater to athletes in the following sports:

  • Basketball
  • Baseball
  • Football
  • Swimming
  • Golf
  • Dance

Your speed, strength and flexibility should be optimized to not only perform, but to continually evolve and triumph over the competition.

We’ll also address your confidence and state of mind. Are you dealing with performance anxiety? Is weight management a struggle? Perhaps your overall confidence is low. We’ll help you cultivate an enduring faith in yourself and tap into your inner potential, harnessing the power that propels your body to perform at its peak!

Contact us today to share your goals, ask questions of our team, and schedule your free consultation and session. Call us at 804-244-3006 or complete the contact form.



Sports performance training, also called athletic training, is designed to improve your ability to perform in a given sport. A sports performance trainer works with you to develop a program based on the particular sport you play, its in-season and out-of-season demands, and potential injuries incurred during that sport.

Whereas conventional training places more emphasis on body transformation (increased muscle mass, weight loss, et cetera), sports performance training focuses on developing reaction, speed, agility and the ability of muscles to perform strength movements. That being said, sports performance training includes and builds upon the basics of fitness training to establish a good baseline of physical health. Many trainers recommend a holistic approach to sports fitness. It’s important to have a foundation of good health to build traits required for a particular sport.

Due to the cycle of on-season and off-season, proper sports performance training varies in focus and intensity throughout the year. This is so that the athlete’s body has time to rest. During the off-season, corrective and restorative exercises are often preferred. These include strength training, conditioning and cardiovascular exercises. Sometimes the off-season is also the time for exercises designed to assist in recovery after an injury. As the off-season draws to a close, sports performance trainers will usually shift your regimen to include more sport-specific drills and focus more on technique in preparation for the physically-demanding season ahead.

The responsibilities of a sports performance trainer are various, and include medical knowledge as well as a knowledge of physical fitness. Trainers are generally required to know how to apply protective or injury preventing equipment, such as joint tape or braces. Trainers are expected to be able to properly diagnose and evaluate injuries, and to provide first aid or emergency medical care if necessary. Sports performance trainers often are consulted to develop rehabilitation programs post-injury, or to assist in carrying-out such programs, to ensure that an injured athlete makes a speedy recovery. On a broader scale, sports performance trainers help plan and implement injury and illness prevention programs in the athletic world.

Contact us today to share your goals, ask questions of our team, and schedule your free consultation and session. Call us at 804-244-3006 or complete the contact form below.

